model | writer | yoga teacher

>> Pregnancy Diaries

01/22/2022 -- A letter to my love 

Thank you for reminding me of unconditional love as a daily practice. A daily event.

Thank you for choosing to be here when nobody bode it necessary.

Thank you for reminding me that life is an art and that we are here to co-create it.

Thank you for showing up everyday as yourself.

Thank you for choosing to show up for me consistently.

Thank you for being dedicated to your own truth.

Thank you for not being selfish with your soul.

Thank you for choosing to be seen.

I can only hope that everyone experience the unconditional love that you share with me.

And if that unconditional love sharing takes you away from me, then so be it.

I am proud and grateful to be a witness of you.

All is well, my love.
THANK YOU.                                                                                                                                                                             

  (Because it’s natural. It’s human.)